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Monday, April 13, 2009

Flip Flops at Skeetz Teez

Close your eyes. Now listen....
The call of seagulls, the rush of the surf on the sand. Ah, the warmth of the sun bathing your skin, as you walk along the edge of the water, looking for seashells.

It's the summer that never ends, the one that always exists somewhere in the back of your mind. Give that endless summer a foot in reality -- literally -- with creative gear featuring summery flip flops. Before it's actually suitable weather for this footwear in your part of the world, you can get in the zone at Skeetz Teez.

The Flip Flops design features a dozen pairs of these fabulous beach shoes, so choosing which ones to wear is never a problem. Choosing which
Flip Flops shirt to order might be more of a challenge.

Pack the cooler with plenty of icy soft drinks. Grab your sunscreen and some plushy terrycloth towels. Bring along the Beach Boys tunes. Let's get summer started now!

This t-shirt and more can be purchased at http://www.cafepress.com/skeetzteez/5680287

For more reviews of more great designs, visit http://www.shopkeeperdesigns.com/site/
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